Hazem Allbabidi

April 5, 2022 | 3 min read

Who Am I?

Hello! My name is Hazem Hadi Allbabidi, I am a Software Engineer who graduated from University of Malaya, a top 100 University worldwide, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

I grew up with an interest in all sorts of technology, which included phones, laptops, smart tech like smartwatches, and lastly, coding. I ended up choosing my major in University based on the love of coding that I developed during my high school. I first learned some basic website development stuff like HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript basics, then moved on to more concept-related stuff, mainly in Java. That gave me a push in my first programming course during university “Fundamentals of Programming” where we studied the core concepts of programming and Object-Oriented Programming. Three years and a half went by and now I am a Graduate with Distinction. Enough talking about university.

I started my first job as an backend developer intern in a start-up where I started out fixing small bugs, to eventually working on multi-page forms which allowed for going back in the steps and editing stuff and even a notification system which sends push notifications based on priority and whether or not they should be combined in a single push notification. All of that was within the span of 6 months. This was my 5th semester in university.

Next, I started working as a contract Software Engineer where I worked on systems for different companies, these systems includes a Sales Tracking system, an E-Commerce website, and a Recruitment Management System. I also implemented features on previous existing websites and wrote some documentation. Lastly, I helped the other tech team on some projects by documenting and improving the implementation of some of the features in the project.

Finally, now I am working in a tiny start up as a Golang Developer and a Server Administrator. I mostly write Go code to build a CLI tool which serves a website with massive amounts of data. I also configure servers with services such as PostgreSQL, Nginx, Monit, Syslog, and more, all done with the help of Ansible playbook for automation, as well as Vagrant for testing.

Recently, I started growing interest in the blockchain technology. I started reading books about it and found how amazing this technology is. I was checking online for articles about it but found very few that are written by individuals like me, who usually attempt to simplify a concept. Most of the articles were written by major corporations, who might use complex jargon to explain the technology. I decided that I would make a blog, basically documenting my journey in learning about blockchain and the many new technologies beyond developed on top of it, including also developing perhaps my own technology or tool!

I might occaisonally write about other development-related topics that might be beneficial for other people who google their way to a solution like me.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you learn and improve along with me on this journey of knowledge!


Introduction To The Blockchain
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